the .we


offers a transformative guide to understanding and enriching all your relationships. whether it's the dynamics within a family, the intricacies of workplace interactions, or the complexities of romantic partnerships, this manual delves into the core of who you are and who you connect with.

The blueprint.weproject is a complete manual on all aspects involved in a relationship. Whether it's a romantic, friendly, family or work relationship, we can identify patterns and harmonize any relationship through our methodology. After completing our personalized service, you will receive two options: You can choose between answering a form about the relationship or receiving two forms, one to be filled out by you and the other by the other person, for a more complete analysis.

After analyzing and studying your case, you will receive a 150-page book talking about all the aspects involved in this relationship, guidelines for overcoming friction and completely transforming the way you relate through the study of the two personalities and mental behaviors involved.
